New wear resistant and score resistant additives.

Wear resistant and score resistant additives are used to improve operation and to increase service life of the equipment in which units with different kinds of mechanical movements are used. These additives reduce wear of mechanical parts and improve the equipment service properties. They prevent seizing and grabbing of rubbing metal surfaces at load during the parts operation with mechanical movement.
Wear resistant additives are usually used in motor oils, in liquids for automatic and mechanical gearboxes, in steering wheel hydraulic boosters as well as in working liquids for tractors hydraulic systems, in hydraulic processes.
Wear resistant additives are used in gearbox oils, in other liquids for mechanical transmissions, in lubricants for bearings under load and liquids for metal working. Oil introduced into the units with mechanical movements fills dents, slots, unevennesses on metal surface, thus preventing metal surfaces friction. In the process of metal products movement metal surfaces are polarized due to some electrons loss and oily organic compounds are broken-down and electrically charged fragments of the organic molecules are formed. Interaction of these formed factors determines the interaction force of oily organic compounds with metal surfaces and the quality of lubrication respectively. Thus, the lubrication efficiency is determined by the interaction force of metal surface with oily base.

To increase the lubrication effectiveness wear resistant and score resistant additives are introduced into oils, these additives are broken-down much easier than lubricating organic compound. Then, the quantity of the electrically charged fragments of the organic compounds and interaction force of oily compounds with metal surface increases. Two polarized layers are formed on the metal surface: positively charged surface of the metal and negatively charged fragments of the lubricant.
Wear resistant and score resistant additives are formed by introduction substances containing sulphur, phosphorus, halogens (basically chlorine), boron as well as benzene dispersants, containing wear resistant and score resistant fragments into lubricant base.
Corrosivity is an essential disadvantage of the majority of the existing additives. Fragments of the additives or different functional groups which have additives promote the metal surface oxidation and the seal which is used in the equipment. This results in partial decrease of the equipment service life.
That is why we recommend to use new wear resistant and score resistant additives which contain ions of halogens, basically chlorine. Ions are easily arranged on the surface of the metal and form solid thin film on it due to interaction of the chlorine ions with metal surface and oily base. Besides, the chlorine ions unlike the molecular and monatomic chlorine do not show oxidizing properties and do not interact with sealers because they are inert substances. Outmost electron shell of the chlorine ion is fully filled with electrons like in inert substances.
The method of obtaining the wear resistant and score resistant additives containing chlorine ions is easily available and it is ecologically pure. It requires small material costs for its industrial realization. This method is not patented.
At present the main propositions of the method of obtaining different additives containing the chlorine ions have been developed.
Let’s study these additives efficiency in detail and their putting into production. With that end in view we are looking for the partners interested in this method for joint actions in these fields.
A more detailed information about this method will be given to the organization which will be interested in putting these additives into production.

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