About Company

In company “Proksinfo” Education is the basis of the company many years of experience in the research work of the creator and director of the company Serhii P.Prokopchuk.

The company “Proksinfo”   It was founded  in December 2007. During its existence the company’s employees on the basis of scientific research the following scientific research have been developed:

A new method for the modification of thermoplastic plastics to improve their physical -chemical properties. Recommended ways of using modified polymers

Studied  the process of liquid-phase oxidation of light hydrocarbon fractions. Development a new reactor for the production of formic, acetic and propionic acids by liquid phase oxidation of light hydrocarbon fractions. Chosen process parameters of liquid-phase oxidation of light hydrocarbons. All these developments provide an opportunity to increase   selectivity formation  of lower carboxylic acids by liquid phase oxidation of light hydrocarbons. Increasing competitiveness of the process.

Development a new burner for high temperature processes.  Use of this    allows increasing the productivity of the industrial process for the preparation of silicon dioxide from silicon tetrachloride. The new burner allows you to initiate the oxidation of methane and ethane.

Development a new wear resistant and score resistant additives.

Development a new pyrolysis furnace for processing oil sands. It allows obtaining out of the oil sands modified hydrocarbon fractions and bituminous concrete.

In the future, planned scientific research   to develop a new type of fuel based on hydrocarbon fractions.

Activities company “Proksinfo” would have been more successful at co-operation with scientists and businessmen from different countries.