Humanity’s concern for the future is a very noble cause. Therefore, particular attention is paid to the activities of various environmental movements. In particular, the movement which is engaged in the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.
It must be borne in mind that the activities of mankind significantly affect the environmental situation on our planet. Industrial enterprises, power plants, various modes of transport release many different substances into the environment that are more toxic than carbon oxides. At the same time, the existence of such an activity of humanity significantly improves the condition of its existence. It is not necessary to refuse to humanity these benefits. Simply, more attention should be paid to reducing emissions of toxic substances into the atmosphere. In particular, to develop and introduce into production new technological processes, a treatment plant, and recycle waste.
The simplest and most effective way to reduce emissions of hydrocarbon oxides in the atmosphere is to green our planet. It is necessary to prohibit rash cutting of trees and forests. Mass deforestation in Brazil, Russia, Africa, Ukraine and other countries significantly affects the environmental situation on Earth. The environmental situation on Earth significantly affects the living conditions of people, regardless of their place of residence. Since the Earth is a common home for of our residence.
Nature has the ability to recover itself, but for this it is necessary to give its opportunity to do so. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out substantial planting of greenery of the Earth. On Earth, there are many different places where you can plant trees and other vegetation. Trees can be planted even in industrial enterprises. Greening of industrial enterprises improves the ecological situation in the environment. It is necessary to pay attention to the planting of greenery of hard to reach places. To plant many trees and other vegetation in: steppes, deserts, etc. In places where there are difficulties with water, underground and purified sea water can be used to irrigate this vegetation.
Planting of greenery of the Earth will not only improve the ecological situation, but will also change the climatic conditions. Reduce the number of tsunamis, typhoons and hurricanes
To confirm the influence of trees on the environmental situation, we present you well-known information. In one sunny day, one hectare of the forest absorbs 180-280 kilograms of carbon dioxide from the air and releases 180-200 kilograms of oxygen. One hectare of coniferous trees delays 40 tons of dust per year, and deciduous – 100 tons. One adult tree produces about 120 kilograms of oxygen per year, almost 100 cubic meters. This is enough for a family of three for a whole year. This is enough for a family of three to live a whole year. One and the same tree will be able to absorb as many carbon oxides as the car engine emits when traveling several thousand kilometers. Over a lifetime, a tree processes more than one ton of carbon dioxide.
For businessmen who help people, it is advisable to think about how to better use their money to help them more.
The company “Proksinfo” cannot offer money to improve the environmental situation on Earth as it has no money. The company “Proksinfo” can present its knowledge and skills for the development and implementation of new technological percentages in the industry.

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